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Archive | Cybersecurity

Update software

The Dangers of Running Outdated Software

Your software is only as good as its last patch. Reaching End of Life (EoL) or End of Service (EoS) means critical patches and updates are no longer available, leaving you vulnerable to various problems. Some make the mistake of not rushing to upgrade the software because it is still functional. However, outdated software can […]

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Security Awareness

Why Your Business Needs to Beef Up Employee Security Awareness

We live in an era where organizations are increasingly aware of the ever-changing cybersecurity landscape. Despite billions of dollars invested worldwide to fend off cyberthreats, cybercriminals still manage to penetrate even the strongest security defenses. They relentlessly exploit vulnerabilities with one primary target in mind — employees. Cybercriminals perceive employees as the weakest link in […]

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Key Considerations When Selecting the Right Cyber Insurance Coverage

Is your business prepared to confront today’s growing cybersecurity threats? Although adopting the latest technologies and industry trends is undoubtedly crucial, it is equally important to ensure that your business has the best cyber liability insurance. Think of it as an invisible shield protecting your business from devastating losses. However, to harness its full potential […]

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A Deep Dive Into Phishing Scams

Phishing scams remain one of the most prevalent and successful types of cyberattacks today, so being aware of the danger they pose to businesses like yours is extremely crucial. Your business could easily be the next victim if you don’t clearly understand how threat actors leverage phishing emails. In this blog, you’ll learn the intent […]

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DigitalDeclutter - Mailchimp

Cybersecurity – Digital Declutter this Spring

                  A few easy, actionable tips will help you stay cyber safe and protect your personal data and identity. The National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) and Better Business Bureau (BBB) are encouraging all consumers freshen up their online lives by conducting a thorough cleaning of their cyber […]

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‘Cybersecurity – As We Move Toward 2020’

In the fight for cybersecurity, knowledge is half the battle. For example, multi-factor authentication is becoming a popular security layer when it comes to protecting your accounts, but do you know what it is? Why is Windows 7 End of Life important, even for you at home? We answer these questions and more in our […]

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